Found in Translation

Fraser Anderson - Line Them Up

「とどかぬ夢」 は、恋人が他の誰かのもとに去ってしまった男が、理想を追求することの挫折を受け入れる、悲痛な気持ちを歌う。スコットランドのシンガー ソングライター、フレイザー・アンダーソンは、"Line Them Up"の中で似たシチュエーションを歌い、別離に至った自分への後悔を表現している。

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Line Them Up

(English Lyrics by Fraser Anderson)

He took a long look, turned around and walked away
to where the sun will shine and the rain won't fall
It was all clear as if his hand had been turned over
he said, "line them up against the sky"

Why should I move a stone that hides my way?
How could I believe she's gone?
God only knows why I never took her there!

He took a deep breath and left
he walked out on his own
to where the streets all shine and the strain wont show
It was all so clear as if the clouds had just rolled over
he said, "line them up against the sky"

Why should I move a stone that hides my way?
How could I believe she's gone?
God only knows why I never took her there!

But then the door blew open wide
Smoke flew out and he fell inside
picked himself up from the ground
he said, "i never lost what I never found"

Why should I move a stone that hides my way?
How could I believe she's gone?
God only knows why I never took her there!

Why should I move a stone that hides my way?
How could I believe she's gone?
God only knows why I never took her there!





お金は欲しかったけれど それより大事なもの
たとえば愛や友情 それを信じて生きてきた

本気で愛したあの人も 今は遠い空の下
新しい愛をつかんだと 風が気ままにささやいた

夜空の星に手をのべて とどかぬ夢を探せば
淋しさばかりをぶらさげた 一人歩きの僕がいる



Music produced by Dave Liang for Undercover Culture Music
Video produced by
Jamahl Richardson for 7DayVisa
Line Them Up feat.
Fraser Anderson
Inspired by "Todokanu Yume"
Music and Original Lyrics by
Kazuo Zaitsu
English Lyrics by
Fraser Anderson
Recorded at Sphere Studio in Mauzens-et-Miremont, France
Special thanks to
Pascal Escoyez
Engineered by
Christophe Henin
Mixing by
Dave Liang
Mastered by
Emil Karol
Vocals and guitar:
Fraser Anderson
All other instrumentation & programming:
Dave Liang


Emi Meyer

Fraser Anderson