Shayna Steele - Brand New World
「新しい地球をつくれ」 は、財津和夫のさまざまな楽曲の中でも、より快活な曲調の歌の1つである。アップビートなブルース調のスタイルの演奏に乗って歌われる歌詞が、聴く者の悩みを忘れさせて元気づけ、また一から始めようという気にさせる。NYを拠点に活動するR&Bシンガーのシェイナ・スティー ルは、その楽曲"Brand New World"で、パワフルな愛の宣言の中にこのテーマを組み入れている。 |
Brand New World
(English Lyrics by Shayna Steele )
Do you really love me? I don't know
Waiting for the day that you tell me so
Oh baby
It's all that I'm asking from you
I'll break down the barriers stopping you
I'll put out the fires surrounding you
Whatever it takes
Build you a brand new world
Oh I know that I've been on your mind
And you appreciate my time
I'm giving
And I wanna prove it to you
Making it right when things go wrong
Whatever it takes, don't care how long
I'd do it for you
Build you a brand new world
Tear it up, break it down
We'll start from nothing and
We'll go up, won't come down
And build a brand new world
Tear it down, break it down
Now we got something
And we will never go down
I'll knock down the doors that closed on you
I'll carry the load that weighs you down
I'll do anything
To build a brand new world
Do you really love me? I don't know
I'm never planning to let you go
My baby
Just know what I'm saying is true
Let me take over, you'll come alive
I'm hoping that I can blow your mind
You're worth my time
A brand new world
Tear it up, break it down
Build it up, won't go down
We are changing our world
We are building a life
We are building our brand new world
And we'll never go down
No we'll never go down
I'll break down the barriers stopping you
I'll put out the fires surrounding you
Whatever it takes.
Build you a brand new world
Build you a brand new world
こわせ ぶちこわして
こわせ ぶちこわして
あー 黒い土を緑でうずめて
こわせ ぶちこわして
あー 表へ飛びだし
世界をつくれ 世界をつくれ
Brand New World feat. Shayna Steele
Music produced by Dave Liang for Undercover Culture Music
Video produced by Jamahl Richardson for 7DayVisa
Inspired by "Atarashii Chikyuuo Tsukure"
Music and Original Lyrics by Kazuo Zaitsu
English Lyrics by Shayna Steele
Recorded in NYC, NY (USA)
Engineered by Emil Karol
Mixing by Dave Liang
Mastered by Emil Karol
Vocals: Shayna Steele
All other instrumentation & programming: Dave Liang